Sunday, June 22, 2008

How time flies!

We have had a few events this past few months that have really made me realize how fast the years are slipping by! Here are the highlights!
Emery turned 12 in April! This, of course, means that we have officially been "Mom" and "Dad" for over twelve years! She started going to Young Women's, got a cell phone, starting having "boy issues" and has just really grown up! She is a wonderful, smart and responsible girl who makes us so proud! She just graduated from 6th grade on Friday and was chosen as one of only two students to speak at graduation! She was so nervous but worked really hard on her speach and did an AMAZING job! What a happy/sad day! It is so fun to see her growing up and making such good choices! At the same time, it is sad to see her grow up. Finishing Elementary School marks the end of an era and I hope we are all ready for Jr. High! I think Emery will do great, I'm more worried about me and Lanny! A boy in Emery's class has a major crush on her and that is providing some good humored teasing as we tread into new territory! I just can't believe she's 12!

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